Monday, February 27, 2012


This week will mark the last week in Math before we go "Turbo". Yes that is right we are going to go into turbo study mode.
"Reaching for the STAAR" I think will be appropriate for this class.

We have also started a new contest. We will be participating in a website Math contest at sumdog. I will give out usernames and passwords in class tomorrow.

Also, if you have a wireless mouse that you would like to bring to school, please let me know ahead of time so that I can enter you into the class polling. It will be fun I promise

We are finishing our Alternative Energy posters and taking the exam on Wednesday. We review tomorrow for it. Our next adventure is Animal Survival and adaptations.
Don't forget that I will be grading the ISN's this Friday. Grading Rubrics will be available in class anytime in the red folders.

1. Please remember if you receive a low grade you may retake the quiz or assignment to raise that grade. This applies on all assignments. I want to grade what you can do.
2. Not many students have completed Extra Credit. Anyone can turn in extra credit provided they tell me ahead of time and the assignment is related to something we learned in class. See me for some examples (I'll post some examples on here later).
3. I'll give a "Free Homework" pass to those who can tell me that they have read this blog.
4. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

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