Monday, March 5, 2012

Twas the week before Spring Break...

That's right it is the week before Spring Break. Any plans? None for Mr. Rainh2o.

Science this week we are starting a new section in Life Science. We are getting into Animal behaviors and characteristics. Some did not do well on the quiz last week and I want to encourage you to retake and do some extra credit. Remember you may re-do any assignment for a maximum score of 70.

Math STAAR test review begins today. We have this week and the week after Spring break to prepare for the test. I will be sending notes home periodically regarding this with information on how to prepare at home. We will have short quizzes every day and a cumulative quiz on Friday. These will all be timed to help prepare for the timed STAAR. 
Any questions you may post them here or email me at

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