How many people have your ISN's (Interactive Science Notebook) put together? Good! I'll post some links to some good ideas in my next post.
Something we have been learning in class that was a little extra learning. HOW to have a GOOD Memory. Students remember your list? Parent, this is something I'm trying out with the kids to aid in memory techniques. Here is a link to the book I'm getting my information from if you would like to review it.
There are 20 items for association and we can use them for simple dates and lists.
Next week we are going to get rolling in our "It's All about M.E." (Matter and Energy) My hope is that the kids are coming home telling you what they have learned. If not stop for a minute and ask. Research studies show that if a person can teach something to another person they know it well. If they struggle with it motivate them to find the answer for themselves. This curiosity is essential to molding the Scientific Mind.
Awesome, my daughter is on fire for science this year. That makes me super excited :)